Downeast Milk Bottles

« Dairy History « Mount Desert Island Dairies

Bordeaux Dairy

Northeast Harbor, Mt. Desert

Fairview Farm, established in 1882. Bordeaux Dairy was on the end of Somes Sound near Raggedy Ass Corner. They claim to be “The only Dairy in the Town of Mt. Desert” in an old ad in the Bar Harbor Times, which must have been true at that time. Pearl Richardson had a nice dairy farm in Mt. Desert right on the town line with Bar Harbor on the Oak Hill Road which apparently came along later. In that Bordeaux ad (see ad below) they also boast that they are offering pasteurized milk which is quite a feat for that time. At some point John Fernald bought the routes and kept the "Bordeaux" name going for many years. John was a distributor only as far as I know, he didn't have a farm or a processing plant and had others bottle the milk for him.

Other Names Associated With This Dairy: Pearl and Harry Bordeaux, John Fernald, Fairview Farm

Additional Photos

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Quart milk bottle - a tough bottle to find.

Quart milk bottle - a tough bottle to find.

Fairview Farm / D. G. Bordeaux bottle cap

Fairview Farm / D. G. Bordeaux bottle cap

Bordeaux - Fairview Farm bottle cap

Bordeaux - Fairview Farm bottle cap

Bordeaux Dairy bottle cap (milk)

Bordeaux Dairy bottle cap (milk)

Bordeaux Dairy bottle cap (chocolate milk)

Bordeaux Dairy bottle cap (chocolate milk)

Bordeaux Dairy truck

Bordeaux Dairy truck

Bordeaux Dairy wagon

Bordeaux Dairy wagon

John Fernald with Bordeaux Dairy new truck

John Fernald with Bordeaux Dairy new truck
John Fernald in truck taking keys from salesman. John Fernald was a distributer, he bought milk from Hancock County Creamery and sometimes Clark's SW Dairy. He bought wholesale and sold retail.

Harry Bordeaux and Pearl Bordeaux

Harry Bordeaux and Pearl Bordeaux



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