Mount Desert Island Dairy Operations
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Milk Bottle Caps
from Mount Desert Island Dairy Operations
Larger views of individual caps may be found on the dairy pages above.

Dairy Histories and Articles
Mount Desert Island Research Sources
Bar Harbor Times Newspaper Archive Search An online search tool that I use to research dairy history in the old Bar Harbor Times newspapers published 1902-1968.

"Map of Mount Desert Island"
Published in 1888. Included on the map is Mount Desert Island, Sorrento, portions of Lamoine, Hancock, Frenchman's Bay, and adjacent islands. The map indicates the owner's names for each lot at time of publication and a reference list of names of each lot's original owner.

Published for the years 1909-1910, it is a valuable reference for researching many of the farmers. Family names can be looked up by town, and a small family tree of wife and children is also listed. See the list of contents on page 15.