« Dairy History « Mount Desert Island Dairies

"Cap" Whitney with first calf from W.W. Sargent. Emery District. Men on Whitney Farm buying first calf from W. W. Sargent.
Fair Acres
Hulls Cove
Fair Acres Farm, started in the early 1920's. Below is a photo of Harold “Cap” (he was a sea captain) Whitney on his delivery route in Bar Harbor 1937. The farm had two work horses and had 1 or 2 hired men. He had a milking machine for his 20 or so cows. The Fire of '47 passed over the farm but spared the buildings and the stock. Whitney was able to still produce milk during the fire. He sold his herd of Holsteins, Jerseys and Guernseys in 1952 but kept his routes.
Clark's delivery drivers on their routes picked up Whitney's raw milk in 10-gallon milk cans and cases of his empty bottles and took them back to Southwest Harbor. There it was mixed in with other cans of milk that had been picked up locally from farmers. The milk was processed by Clark's, put in Whitneys bottles and delivered back to him the next day by Clark's. This is how he kept his customers. He died in 1959.
Other Names Associated With This Dairy: H. C. Whitney, Harold Whitney, Cap Whitney
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