« Dairy History « Mount Desert Island Dairies

King Maple Farm
Bar Harbor
King Maple Farm was a 250 acre farm just a ways down the Knox Road in Town Hill.
Lyle Smith's Farm was in Town Hill just out of the center of town on the Knox Road. Along with the small dairy farm, he grew vegetables. I believe he was a game warden later on and became known as the “Flying Warden”. Lyle Smith started the farm around 1918 and it closed around 1927. He had 8 jersey cows, vegetable gardens, raspberries, strawberries, and pigs. He worked on the “Mountain Road” (I think that was the road up Cadillac Mountain) 10 hrs a day. He got up at 2 am to deliver milk in Northeast Harbor before he went to work on the mountain road.
Eventually he had a hired man named Barney who stayed in a room off the kitchen. The Farm was named for a large maple tree at the mouth of the driveway. Lyle eventually became a State Game Warden, he became known as the “Flying Warden”. You can see an example of Lyle's bottle in the Camden National Bank in Town Hill, in a display case on the wall. See a photo of his cap below. It is in the Bar Harbor Historical Society.
Other Names Associated With This Dairy: L. E. Smith, Lyle Smith
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