« Dairy History « Mount Desert Island Dairies

Jerome Sweet, M.C. Sweet's son, on his milk run in WWII.
Old Orchard Dairy
Hull's Cove and Bar Harbor
Old Orchard Dairy was on the Hulls Cove end of the Crooked Road. Marcus Sweet, born 1847 in Eddington (he died in 1934), came to MDI twice a week from his farm in E. Holden to sell his goods. Here on MDI, he sold farm produce to Butterfield's Market and had a milk route (see photo of his horse drawn delivery wagon). His son Shirley took over the farm, his other son Henry (HC Sweet) moved up the road and took over Elm Tree Farm from ET Hamor's Sons. Marcus Sweet was remembered by some of his descendants as a very strict father.
Other Names Associated With This Dairy: M. C. Sweet, Marcus Sweet, Shirley Sweet, Henry Sweet
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