« Dairy History « Mount Desert Island Dairies

Wood's Dairy
Bar Harbor
These are a bit like mystery bottles. They apparently aren’t (Harry Woods) Woodstead Dairy bottles from a farm also the Emery District that came later on because it says Wood's (with an apostrophe) in the slug plate of the bottle. If it was a Harry Woods bottle it would look different. If you make Harry Woods in possessive it would look like this- Woods's. So these could be Joseph A. Woods bottles...that would make it Wood's Dairy as printed on the bottle. Harry Woods clearly had his own bottles and called his farm Woodstead Dairy.
Dairy History
Joseph Wood had a farm in the Emery District just down the Crooked Road toward Bar Harbor on the same site as all these dairies, it was there before these dairies that came after him. Again, the site had these farms starting with Joseph A. Woods, Clarence Alley, Thirlstane Ranch Inc. (processing plant), Hugh Kelley, Milton Linscott, Lloyd Frasier, and then Rocky Porter - All on the same plot of land known as the “Lakewood Farm”. Now it has Percheron Horses. The Emery District was apparently the best farmland on MDI and had many farms. Many of these farms had dairy herds and market gardens and delivered to Bar Harbor stores and customers.